Successfully Expanding I LOVE YOO! into Diverse Markets With New Traffic Development

Food is an indispensable part of daily life, ensuring that the food and beverage industry consistently experiences stable demand, despite intense competition. In the face of such competition, I LOVE YOO! aims not only to strengthen its existing Chinese customer base but also to introduce traditional Chinese cuisine to a wider audience. The brand is dedicated to continually increasing its popularity among the diverse Malaysian population.Let’s see how cacaFly Malaysia effectively expanded I LOVE YOO!’s reach in Malaysia’s diverse markets by developing new traffic

Twitter 广告模式 “要学Google”,马斯克下令 7 天改善!为何专家认为无法复制?

去年11月,推特(Twitter)执行长伊隆・马斯克(Elon Musk)在旧金山总部宣布裁员结束,共计约三分之二的员工遭到裁撤。但先前又有消息传出他解雇了数十名员工,包括一名直接与他汇报的下属,主因是这次他把脑筋动到推特的定位广告上,要求在一周内改善。究竟马斯克的广告策略为何?推特员工可能达成吗?