XHS Professional Verified Account Application Guide: Key Steps to Building Brand Influence!

Social media marketing is one of the indispensable marketing methods at present. XHS, as a popular app in recent years, has emerged from numerous social media platforms to become one of the mainstream platforms for social media e-commerce promotion. It wields significant influence in consumer purchase decisions, prompting many domestic and international enterprises and brands to establish a presence on XHS for promotion and to apply for professional accounts. A XHS professional account not only symbolizes official certification but also grants users access to advanced marketing tools, enhancing brand marketing effectiveness. Today, let cacaFly Malaysia guide you through the process of applying for a professional account!

Three Hidden Tips on XHS to Ride the Official Traffic for Free!

XHS is currently a highly popular social media platform, with over two million users in Malaysia. “XHS” has become one of the platforms crazily pursued by female users. Whether you are an experienced own media operator or a newcomer, you have the opportunity to monetize traffic on XHS! Optimizing titles and cover images is basic, but are there any other methods to increase traffic? Yes! Today, let cacaFly Malaysia tell you about three hidden tips to help you gain official traffic for free.

Mastering Website Data For Outstanding Advertising Results

Traffic not only attracts visitors but also drives revenue! However, facing the constantly rising costs of traffic has become an undeniable challenge for various brands. In the face of such challenges, do you think the only solution is to continually increase advertising budgets? No!

E-commerce Must Read! In-Depth Analysis of GA4 Raw Data Architecture

This article will guide you through the architecture of GA4 raw data and explore the practical application of raw parameters in tracking consumer behavior for both “e-commerce” and “brand” perspectives. After understanding these parameters, we’ll delve into how to effectively apply them on a brand’s official website or e-commerce platform.

Why Does Your Shopify Need to Connect to GA4?

Shopify needed to connect to GA4 to improve data analytics and monitoring. TenMax GA4 import solution team overcomes these challenges to provide Shopify merchants with more complete competitive advantage and data insights!

Maximize the Value of Your Surveys! How to Perfectly Analyze Zero-Party and First-Party Data with GA4?

With the rising awareness of privacy, governments and tech giants worldwide are introducing policies in response. For instance, Google plans to block third-party cookies in browsers by 2024, and Apple restricts app developers from tracking the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) without the user’s explicit consent. In this context, “first-party data” and “zero-party data” that brands legitimately collect have become lifelines. Maximizing the application of data, achieving optimal marketing effectiveness through limited tracking, has become one of the hottest topics in the digital marketing industry.

Instagram’s Latest Update! Essential Information for Marketers, Analyzing the Four Newest Features on Instagram

Following the updates in November, Instagram has once again rolled out several significant changes. In addition to the previous introduction of virtual gifts and open subscription features in Instagram Reels, this update includes new features such as the ability to set posts for Closed Friends and share comments on Stories! Let’s explore together with cacaFly Malaysia to discover the latest functionalities introduced on Instagram!