Three Hidden Tips on XHS to Ride the Official Traffic for Free!

XHS is currently a highly popular social media platform, with over two million users in Malaysia. “XHS” has become one of the platforms crazily pursued by female users. Whether you are an experienced own media operator or a newcomer, you have the opportunity to monetize traffic on XHS! Optimizing titles and cover images is basic, but are there any other methods to increase traffic? Yes! Today, let cacaFly Malaysia tell you about three hidden tips to help you gain official traffic for free.

Before knowing the tips to obtain official free traffic, you must understand the four basic elements of operating XHS:

  1. Optimize titles and covers
  2. Use popular tags
  3. Actively interact and comment
  4. Regularly and consistently publish posts

XHS operates similarly to other social media platforms in that eye-catching cover images and titles that address pain points are essential to attracting attention and gaining traffic. It’s worth noting that, in addition to traffic from followers, the popularity of posts is also influenced by official traffic. The more consistent and regularly users post content targeted at a specific niche, the higher the chance they have of being recommended by the platform, resulting in additional traffic. This is why everyone has the chance to go viral on XHS. In addition to the points mentioned above, there are also some hidden tips to obtain official traffic for free. Let’s continue to explore them together

1. Increase account influence

Feeling like your notes are of high quality but not getting much traffic? It might be because your account has a low influence! As your account influence increases, the platform will provide a corresponding proportion of traffic support. So how can you know your account level? You can click on “Edit Profile” from the homepage and scroll down to see your account level. XHS is also very considerate and will display below the page what tasks need to be accomplished to upgrade. Follow the instructions, and you can upgrade step by step! Boosting account influence

2. There is not only one way to post

Do you know there are other ways to post besides tapping the ‘+’ button? If you don’t know, you might be missing out on a lot of additional official traffic! After clicking on the creation center, you can see categorized note inspirations, which are also popular topics on XHS. In addition to providing inspiration for everyone’s creation, note inspirations also allow users to  press ‘Create Post’ to publish. There’s a chance to get additional official traffic, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

3. Follow the official XHS account!

Do you know that XHS has many official accounts? Different fields have different official accounts, such as Beauty Potato for the beauty field and Captain Potato, who announces XHS regulations, among many others! In addition to sharing note inspirations with fans, these official accounts also periodically launch some challenges. The challenges are quite simple, usually involving publishing notes based on specified topics and including the designated hashtags to gain official free traffic. Moreover, when publishing notes regularly, you can also tag relevant official accounts for a chance to receive official traffic support!

As a highly influential social media platform in the Chinese community, XHS is an excellent platform for monetizing traffic for both self-media operators and brands with e-commerce. By following the advice provided by cacaFly Malaysia, you can continue to manage and operate effectively




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cacaFly Malaysia was founded in year 2016 with fully support from HQ Taiwan.
We are a team comprised of enthusiastic marketing experts, specializing at devising all-rounded marketing strategies and media planning that stretches from preliminary research, running ads campaign and advertising material production, to post-campaign data analysis and strategy optimization.

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