Meta’s second-half shopping season marketing guide is here! Double 11 is approaching, marketers, seize the shopping peak and take the lead.
Using AI technology to assist with advertising during the shopping season can yield remarkable results. Therefore, today’s article will help marketers gain a deeper understanding of how to leverage advertising to gain a competitive edge for businesses during the upcoming Double 11 shopping season. Let’s dive in!
Global App Bundle offers more new placements, increases exposure, and captures multiple international markets.
TikTok has officially announced the launch of the Global App Bundle. The Global App Bundle provides brand owners with fresh advertising placements and extensive exposure opportunities. This enables advertisers to find innovative ways to promote their products and services across different platforms and apps. The Global App Bundle offers them a path to break traditional […]
X Launches Creator Advertising Revenue Sharing Program: Earn Money While Creating!
Recently, the advertising revenue-sharing program introduced by the X platform has sparked extensive discussions and interest. Can this program truly bring substantial rewards for creators? What requirements and limitations lie behind the plan? Let’s delve deeper to find out!
Meta Video has been upgraded! Can Reels be seen on Facebook now?
Recently, Meta announced that Meta Watch will be rebranded as Meta Video, along with the introduction of some new Meta Video features. Today, cacaFly has organized the three main points for you:
【Malaysia TikTok 2023 Media Guide Report】Purchase Factors, User Engagement, Popular Content
TikTok is an emerging social media platform in Malaysia. How can we seize this trend and develop marketing strategies that integrate with Malaysia’s unique characteristics on the TikTok platform?
[Malaysia TikTok 2023 Media Guide Report] A Comprehensive Look at Malaysian Users, Audience Demographics, and Popular Viewing Times!
In Malaysia, TikTok as an emerging social media platform, is rapidly gaining prominence. So, how can we leverage the unique characteristics of TikTok in Malaysia to formulate marketing strategies? This series of articles will be divided into two parts, providing a comprehensive analysis of TikTok insights for the second quarter of 2023.
Samsung 考虑改投 Bing 怀抱!Google 吓到加速新 AI 产品“Magi”,已知有 4 大功能
由于 GPT 技术的加持,传出 Samsung 考虑用 Bing 取代 Google 作为旗下 3C 产品的预设搜寻引擎,Google为此不得不加速为搜寻引擎开发 AI 技术。
Bing、Edge 都能 “文字生成图像” 了!微软携手 OpenAI,还有哪些更新?
微软在搜索引擎 Bing 以及浏览器 Edge 中,更新了图像生成功能!将使用 OpenAI 的 DALL-E 技术根据文本提示创建图片。这款名为「Bing Image Creator」的工具将在 Bing 和 Edge 预览版中提供给用户。
Twitter 演算法要公开了!别家都保密到底,开源对 Elon Musk 有什么好处
Elon Musk 在昨天在回覆 Twitter 用户的贴文时,表示 Twitter 最快将在下周开源他们的演算法。Elon Musk 本人长期以来就支持 Twitter 的推荐演算法应该开源,甚至在他去年四月收购 Twitter、掌管社群网路之前就一再强调这个概念。
如同时尚潮流会随时间有所变化,网路红人(Influencer)也受产业数位化的影响,「虚拟网红」(Virtual Influencer)逐渐成为一种常见的行销概念,根据 Kantar 的调查,有 45% 的广告商表示在 2023 年有可能会赞助虚拟网红的演出或邀请他们出席活动。