2024 Instagram Algorithm Update. Original Creators Prioritized: Creators Will Encounter New Opportunities!

To provide all creators with fair exposure opportunities, Instagram once again introduced a major algorithm update in April 2024! The focus of this update is to prevent creators with large followings and high traffic from monopolizing all exposure opportunities. Instagram hopes to create a fairer algorithm that gives smaller creators more active space, encouraging them to produce more high-quality and original content. So let’s have cacaFly Malaysia guide us through the key updates this time!

Mastering Website Data For Outstanding Advertising Results

Traffic not only attracts visitors but also drives revenue! However, facing the constantly rising costs of traffic has become an undeniable challenge for various brands. In the face of such challenges, do you think the only solution is to continually increase advertising budgets? No!

【2023 Year in Review | cacaFly Highlights】

As 2023 draws to a close, the world is gradually recovering from the shadows of the pandemic in the previous years. cacaFly Malaysia continues to promote digital marketing services with a positive attitude, collaborating with clients to successfully execute various projects. As we approach the end of the year, cacaFly would like to share with you:

Collaborating with Taiwanese Adtech and Martech company TenMax, enhancing brand conversion rates through Martech tools

cacaFly Malaysia collaborated with Taiwanese Adtech and Martech company TenMax, hosting a webinar named “Doubling Your Conversion Rate: Unleashing the Potential of Martech Tools through Real Case Study” on 30th November and 7th December . The event attracted over a hundred professionals from brands and industries. By showcasing real cases, the event demonstrated how renowned brands leverage marketing technology tools for a more in-depth analysis of data, thereby creating greater value for the brands.

cacaFly Malaysia was invited to attend the Infobip Partners Day.

Infobip is a leading brand in omnichannel customer communication platforms, solving business issues for brands through data and technology. Recently, they held a Partners Day, bringing together many experts in the field of Martech to discuss observing user experiences, optimizing consumer journeys through member segmentation, and creating efficient marketing processes.

cacaFly Malaysia participated in the OHSEM Marketing 360 2023

OHSEM Marketing 360  is a quite substantial digital marketing event in Malaysia, featuring over 25 industry experts and more than 40 participating companies. The event covered a wide range of topics, from Google Ads, TikTok, and E-Commerce to the latest trending technologies like Martech and AI. It provided a platform for SMEs and various businesses to engage .

cacaFly attended HUAWEI Petal Ads Summit 2023!

HUAWEI Petal Ads Summit 2023 cover photo

On March 16, HUAWEI invited us to attend the Petal Ads Summit 2023! This exciting event witnessed the gathering of the industry’s top players and experts, and shared about the latest developments in digital advertising.