由于 GPT 技术的加持,传出 Samsung 考虑用 Bing 取代 Google 作为旗下 3C 产品的预设搜寻引擎,Google为此不得不加速为搜寻引擎开发 AI 技术。
In the previous article, we shared about the shopping opportunities, popular products, and marketing timeline for Mother’s Day. Today, we have another informative article for you. Follow cacaFly to learn about the target audience, recommended marketing activities, and materials for Mother’s Day.
Twitter 执行长马斯克(Elon Musk)接受英国广播公司 BBC 采访,谈到自己收购 Twitter 一路以来的心路历程。此外,马斯克也透露公司目前的盈亏处于平衡状态,最快预计在下个季度现金流就将转正,大部分的广告商也会回流,继续在 Twitter 上投放广告。
May is coming. Have you prepared your Mother’s Day marketing plan, bosses? Many consumers start searching for Mother’s Day gifts as early as the end of March. Therefore, businesses need to plan their marketing strategies. cacaFly has prepared a Mother’s Day sales guide for you. Let’s take a look together!
生成式 AI 议题正夯,各大科技公司竞相推出相关产品抢夺 AI 市场的一席之地,而在 AI 大战中低调已久的Meta 近日表示,公司今年年底的目标是将生成式 AI 商业化,用来制作广告图像,希望能提高公司营收,同时为元宇宙(Metaverse)计画增添助力。
Muslims account for 60% of Malaysia’s total population, and Hari Raya is just around the corner. For this article we have compiled the top 5 insights from Meta’s industry insight reports and offer our recommendations on the ideal marketing period for Hari Raya.