
Media News

Instagram Functionality Further Optimized! One Major Update Increases Your Reach

Have you ever tried Instagram Collaboration posts yet? 
The function of Inviting collaborator is different from tagging friends. It allows posts or Reels appear on the original author’s account as well as the collaborator’s account. It’s a great way to increase reach and promote engagement rate! and now Instagram has further optimized the collaborator function! You can now add up to “THREE” collaborators! 

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你知道吗?每 5 位马来西亚人就有 1 位马来西亚人是使用 Huawei 品牌的手机!由此可见 Petal Ads 在马来西亚绝对是未来的流行广告投放平台!今天结合真实案例带着大家一起了解 Huawei Petal Ads 到底如何帮助企业达到预期效益。一起看下去吧!