Unlock Amazon DSP Ads: Expand Your Overseas Business Ace

As the world’s leading e-commerce platform with the highest market share, Amazon not only offers consumers a wide range of shopping choices but also serves as an excellent exposure channel for e-commerce brands. You might be wondering how to stand out among fierce competitors on this platform. Is this fantastic exposure channel exclusive to e-commerce businesses?
“我为何会看到这篇文?”Meta 重磅公开演算法,Facebook、Instagram 是如何控制你

Instagram Subscription Feature Revealed: What Exclusive Content Presentation Styles Are Available?

Many creators earn income through Instagram, and recently, Instagram has opened up the subscription feature to over 10 countries. In the previous article, we shared what Instagram Subscriptions are and the related policies before their official usage. Today, in this article, we will focus on discussing the subscription experience and the benefits of having the subscription feature open. Let’s dive in together!
Instagram Expands Subscription Feature ! New Income Source for Creators in 10 Countries Revealed

In 2022, Instagram launched a brand-new feature called “Instagram Subscriptions,” offering creators a fresh opportunity for income and fan interaction. The main purpose of this feature is to help creators earn monthly revenue by providing exclusive content and turning their creative endeavors into tangible earnings.
Instagram Functionality Further Optimized! One Major Update Increases Your Reach

Have you ever tried Instagram Collaboration posts yet?
The function of Inviting collaborator is different from tagging friends. It allows posts or Reels appear on the original author’s account as well as the collaborator’s account. It’s a great way to increase reach and promote engagement rate! and now Instagram has further optimized the collaborator function! You can now add up to “THREE” collaborators!
【Text Version Instagram – Threads Officially Launched】What are the pros and cons of Threads, the community platform with the highest download count ?

On July 6th this year, the text version of Instagram – Threads was officially launched. Let’s join cacaFly Malaysia to explore the features of Threads together
2023 Instagram’s Latest Algorithm Revealed: Comprehensive of Stories, Feed, Reels, and Explore Algorithms

Recently, the CEO of Instagram shared the latest 2023 Instagram algorithm on their own Instagram account. In a video, they provided a detailed explanation of their ranking algorithm and offered key insights to help users better understand why they see specific content on the platform. Let’s dive in and take a look!

想要锁定年轻女性客群,推广商品提升业绩?华语圈潜力新星 APP 小红书(RED),是你新的社群经营选择!想知道小红书媒体广告,有哪些优势?这篇文章,cacaFly 整理了小红书三大特色,带你一次了解!
马斯克 360 天经营 Twitter 心得:像坐云霄飞车“超痛苦”!为何要买“濒死” Twitter?
Twitter 执行长马斯克(Elon Musk)接受英国广播公司 BBC 采访,谈到自己收购 Twitter 一路以来的心路历程。此外,马斯克也透露公司目前的盈亏处于平衡状态,最快预计在下个季度现金流就将转正,大部分的广告商也会回流,继续在 Twitter 上投放广告。
Meta 的 AI 大计曝光:拯救广告营收!而且还没放弃 “过气”的元宇宙?

生成式 AI 议题正夯,各大科技公司竞相推出相关产品抢夺 AI 市场的一席之地,而在 AI 大战中低调已久的Meta 近日表示,公司今年年底的目标是将生成式 AI 商业化,用来制作广告图像,希望能提高公司营收,同时为元宇宙(Metaverse)计画增添助力。